God will manifest His reign with His undisputed and extremely convincing way even to those people who have rejected God and are ignorant about His reality. He begins to manifest Himself in a way that shakes and changes peoples' hearts.

Unprecedented disturbances in nature, economic and social life are working all over the world to wake up people from false security. God prepares hearts to receive His presence in a form of a major revival.

We believe that THE REIGN OF GOD will be manifested in several stages. The Holy Spirit will operate in sudden and varying ways from case to case. There will be no pattern or predictability. The only way to follow the work of the Lord will be by THE SPIRIT OF REVELATION.

Deep work and great changes in hearts:

  • Love of God will be manifested with deep healing power. Jesus will quickly heal deep wounds of hearts and bodies - melting even the most hardened hearts. Cloudy and gloomy atmosphere of life will be changed into bright sunshine of joy and victory. You will catch new inspiration, faith, hope and power. You will see yourself in a new light and rise up into a new life in Jesus Christ.

  • The fire of the Holy Spirit will give you full freedom and faith against sin. You may have yielded unto depression, unbelief or even sinful practices in this present condition of your life, but now Jesus will lift you up. Thirst after the Holy Spirit and fire and you will suddenly be filled afresh.

  • The new wave of revival leads the church into deeper and more harmonious surrender unto God. True devotion in holiness will lead believers into flaming presence of the Holy Spirit and power. Adoration, worship and loving of God will create in the church a new life style, upon which the glory and power will descend and remain.

  • Jesus will lead His pioneers into the new power of faith. The yokes of unbelief will be broken and wounds will be healed. You will rise up as a new creature and the tormented life of the old man will be over. God will manifest Himself as a sovereign authority and convince you about HIS REIGN.

  • Falling into sin will become more and more bitter and disgusting for believers. The Lord will allow an increasing torment for disobedient believers. The conviction about sin will become extremely irresistible in many people's lives and lead into repentance and surrender to God.

  • The dominating power of natural conditions will break down. God's people will get astonishing visions, dreams and revelations. Jesus will lead His people into supernatural life of victory in the continuous presence of His Glory.

  • New anointings will flow in the church and every thirsty person is called to rush under "the waterfall of Niagara" in order to receive a new anointing. Those believers who are open to be changed will be transformed with surprising pace and power. The new life in Jesus will become visible in just a few minutes when the Holy Spirit is touching and healing people.

  • New unity in the Spirit will come into the lives of individuals, families, ministries, churches and the whole Body of Christ. The divisive and destroying power of sin will be broken. Personal love relationship with God will come forth. The locked, fortified gates and strong walls of prisons of darkness will be opened and astonishing blessings will appear as a result of forgiveness and reconciliation between believers and family members.

  • The fire of God starts burning all demonic lies and heresies. Ungodly religions will lose their attraction worldwide and they will become disgusting in the eyes of multitudes. Apostolic mission work will get a new strength and zeal. Anointed believers will go forth boldly to deliver oppressed souls from the bondages of Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism etc. Jesus will demonstrate that He reins the heavens and the earth. Demonic lies will be revealed and collapsed in a shocking way. Even the mass media will report with surprise about the moves of God among the nations.

  • Part of the church will experience the renewal and refreshing while the pioneers will move into the MANIFESTATION OF THE REIGN OF GOD. Desperate and hungry people will take many steps at once towards the Glory of God. The speculators, disobedient and agnostics will get into the revival through deep breakdown, desperation and hunger.

  • The anointings of healings, deliverance and financial blessings will be released in the church. The yokes of religious poverty, deceitful teaching, mammon, greed, generational curses and other powers of darkness will start breaking down in final and irrevocable way. The Holy Spirit begins to operate with awesome strength and various dimensions simultaneously in meetings.

  • All this will lead the church into THE MANIFESTATION OF THE GLORY OF GOD. The process of change and growth is profound and it will happen with varying pace, which is determined by thirst and readiness to change. Spiritual maturity, adulthood and spiritual parenthood will rise up in the church. Childishness, stubbornness, narrow-mindedness and factionalism will disappear. The spirit of wisdom will fill God's people everywhere and the new unity of hearts will prove to the world the presence of Jesus among the believers.

During the cleansing you may have gone through painful trials and you may feel yourself completely failed and powerless. This has been necessary because you first had to become empty from your own power and then the Lord would be able to equip you with HIS POWER. The fire of God will set you ablaze and provide you with supernatural inspiration and capacity. This is the transition process towards the supernatural life style, which is prepared for you in Jesus.

The Holy Spirit will call every nation to serve God. Many nations will receive revival and repent. There will be a great difference in the blessings of godly nations and curses of ungodly nations. Righteous leaders are needed in nations more than ever. The period of ethnic, ideological or national wars and conflicts will be changed to the period of religious conflicts and wars. This will be inevitable, because the high religious principalities of Satan will challenge nations into this. But the revival will disarm the devil and Jesus will bring blessing to many. Blessed are the nations that receive Jesus!

Joel 2:23-27: So shout for joy, you sons of Zion, And rejoice in the LORD your God; For He has given you the early rain for your vindication. And He has brought down for you the rain, The early and latter rain as before. The threshing floors will be full of grain, And the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil. “Then I will compensate you for the years That the swarming locust has eaten, The creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locust—My great army which I sent among you…
… You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied, And you will praise the name of the LORD your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; Then My people will never be put to shame. So you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, And that I am the LORD your God And there is no other; And My people will never be put to shame.

The reign of Jesus will begin to establish in believers' life with increasing conviction. The Holy Spirit will cleanse believers from selfishness, human centeredness and will lead into the relationship of love, adoration and worship with Jesus. Pride, lusts, competition, jealousy and strives will burn away in the fire of the Holy Spirit. The character of Jesus will become more visible in believers.


Jesus will give to His spirit filled church a deeper revelation about His Person, about believers as new creatures, and about the ministry of His Church. This teaching will cleanse and convince devoted Christians about God and the blessings of the New Covenant. The power of religious death will be broken and the church will become alive - ministering in the SPIRIT OF REVELATION with great power. The spirit of faith and the gift of faith will become focus of teaching and ministry, because this is the way how God's reign will operate.


Spiritual life and active ministries will get new a tuning, orientation and power. A new spiritual thinking will be established. The presence of Jesus will be everywhere and His servants will learn how to minister in new humility, obedience and purity. The gifts of the Holy Spirit will be restored and magnified in capacity and clarity. Fivefold ministry will be restored and equipped with great authority in order to make the church ready for the work of harvest. The character of the new creature, gift of faith and the authority of the Holy Spirit will manifest in the body of Christ in much more powerful way.


God will separate and anoint His people to perform the purposes of His Kingdom. Hearts will be captivated with burning desire to join with Jesus and His plan. Personal holiness will become an extremely desirable life style. The Holy Spirit will lead devoted believers into the level of glory that has not been known before. The holiness of God will break down the power of sin and pride. Unbelievable anointing will turn even most stubborn people into the obedience to God. Holiness, obedience and humility will have true presence among God's people.


Personal anointings will become so strong that the powers of darkness will face public defeats even through the ministry of ordinary believers. The defeats of the powers of demons and curses will become notable issues among the mass media. Humanistic and political attempts will prove powerless but the Holy Spirit will show the power of Jesus. Apostolic teams will move forward in such anointing and glory that whole villages and towns will turn to God.


The manifestation of the Lord will lead into magnificent moments and anointings of worship. Great miracles will happen in these times of worship. Supernatural and stunning joy of the Spirit will take over meetings. Most of the greatest miracles begin to happen under the anointing of supernatural joy. The hearts of people will become overwhelmed with God's love and they will be free to give all honor to God.


The coming revival will prepare the Church for the climax that we can call "PRESENCE OF GOD'S GLORY". It will be extremely difficult to describe this season of the greatest harvest of the world. It will be very dynamic, quick and full of supernatural manifestations. There has not been and there will not come any better time than this for the church on the earth - during this age. It will be glorious work of harvest in triumph where the heaven will shine in the eyes of God's people. That will also be the time of greatest distress and trials in the lives of those who do not surrender to Jesus.

The destructive power of sin and demons will be revealed and all people will see the difference between Jesus and the devil. At the same time the power of the Holy Spirit will manifest in the highest dimension of all ages. This will force people from "the highways and hedges" to come to the Lord. Jesus will show His power, defeat the powers of darkness and deliver every hungry heart from the slavery of Satan. The church will be clothed in wedding dress and invited into heavenly wedding celebration.

Malachi 4: 4-6: “For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,” says the LORD of armies, “so that it will leave them neither root nor branches…
… But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and frolic like calves from the stall. And you will crush the wicked underfoot, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I am preparing,” says the LORD of armies…
… “Remember the Law of Moses My servant, the statutes and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel. “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. He will turn the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and strike the land with complete destruction.”

Reject now the mindset of slow proceeding and small-scale thinking! The time of the manifestation of the new power has come. Expand your spirit and thoughts. Yield your heart, mind and will unto a quick and deep change. The more ready you are now, the faster the power of the Lord will manifest in your life. Consider ever increasing miracles fully possible and real in your life. Praise and worship the Lord, because He is great and His power will manifest in your life.